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A birth chart, also known as a natal chart, is a map of where all the major planets and astral bodies were located at the time you were born. All of the astral bodies were moving through different zodiac signs and houses at your time of birth, and their positions will have different effects on your personality and life. Enter birth information below for a personalized natal report.
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Birth Chart Interpretation - Heidi Klum
Heidi Klum
Date of Birth: 1st of June 1973 11:00
Birthplace: Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
Latitude: 50o 59'
Longitude: 07o 07'
The interpretation of the displayed transits was done on the assumption that you entered the data on the time and place of birth correctly. For the entered date and time (06/01/1973 11:00) and birthplace (Bergisch Gladbach, Germany) Daylight Saving Time (DST) is off (Time Zone Europe/Berlin | GMT 1.0)
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Birth Chart Interpretation
Planets in Signs
Your Sun sign: GEMINI
Sun in Gemini
Geminians are friendly, clever, talkative, versatile, curious, perceptive, intuitive, and logical. At times they can also be quite contradictory, restless, two-faced, critical, and impatient. Gemini people enjoy and need work that includes a great deal of variety. They love to do several things all at the same time, sometimes making them late for appointments. They abhor boredom. Geminians tend to flit from one experience to another, gathering in all types of information along the way, but seldom getting to the depth of any subject. They go broad and not deep. Persistence is not their strong suit. Gaining knowledge and disseminating it is their real talent. Hence, they make wonderful salespeople or teachers if they stick around long enough to get all the facts instead of only half the story. Even if they do not possess all the facts, since they are never at a loss for words, they will continue with their story as if they did have all the facts. It is important for a Geminian to seek intellectual satisfaction. Mental stagnation turns them off, so they read extensively and communicate widely in order to satisfy this longing for mental stimulation. This discontent can make them either very ambitious, or it can incline them to jump from one thing to another, searching for the greener grass which never appears. Geminians usually think quickly on their feet and have the ability to use the right words in any situation. They possess tremendous wit and a good sense of humor. Other people may have difficulty in keeping up with their rapid change of subjects. Because Geminians think so quickly, they often finish other people's sentences for them. This can be most frustrating for the person trying to express their own thoughts. There is a need to learn how to control the tongue and allow slower people to express their own opinions and ideas. Since Geminians have the capacity to see both sides of any issue, they may fluctuate back and forth between opposing viewpoints. They will usually tend to side with the opinion of whomever they happen to be with at the moment. Then they change as the circumstances change. Indecisiveness is a problem for Geminians. Geminians are usually emotionally detached. They use their minds rather than their hearts to find their way through things. Logic and reason are their guidelines. They are able to understand what makes other people behave as they do, but they have difficulty in projecting themselves into the emotional reactions of the person involved. Some of the negative traits that Geminians possess are lack of concentration and focus, undependability, fickleness, indecisiveness, superficiality, wishful thinking, and dreaminess. They can also be pretty good at nagging. Geminians need to work on getting their mind under control. Their nervous system is highly strung. If they don't learn to control their nerves, they are apt to become ill. The way out of this difficulty is to take the emphasis off themselves and lose it through service to others. Above all, the Geminian needs to learn to channel (control) his energy and his mind.
Moon in Gemini
You tend to intellectualize your feelings. Your moods come through your words. At times you are totally unaware of your own or other people' deeper feelings and emotional needs. You talk out your feelings and moods. Your primary need is to communicate and to share knowledge. You tend to avoid heavy, emotional relationships and involvements because their is some tendency to superficiality. Commitment scares you. You require plenty of mental stimulation and you feel closest to people with whom you can share thoughts and mental interests. You get turned on sexually through the mental side of things. You have a versatile and receptive mind with a great desire for knowledge. You can be charming, witty and warm-hearted. Nervous tension, anxiety, and stress may be a problem for you. You probably dislike arguments and have a tendency to talk too much. You may tell people what they want to hear rather than the truth. Mental control should be developed or else indecisiveness and constant changing of your mind will become a way of life for you.
Mercury in Gemini
You have an extremely adaptable, energetic, active, alert, curious, and versatile mind. You seek knowledge, either through reading or conversation, or through travel and talking with the new people you constantly meet. You have so much nervous energy that this can sometimes cause great stress which must find an appropriate release. Exercise is a good way to release this tension. You are clever, witty, and always have a joke or comeback ready for any situation. You love being involved in multiple things at once and this may be a problem — too may irons in the fire at the same time. You are quick to grasp new concepts and equally quick to lose interest in an idea or project once your curiosity has been satisfied. You like to taste a little bit of everything — concentration and disciplined study are not your strong points. You are handy with your hands and may be ambidextrous or mechanically inclined. Debate and argument appeal to you. There is a tendency to scratch the surface with the things that strike your interest without learning anything very deeply. This is the jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none position. There is danger, then, of superficiality. Control of thought, word, and action is necessary in order to be successful. Find your focus, stay with it and develop perseverance. Journalism, speaking, teaching, sales, advertising, or writing may appeal to you. Mentally restless, you may change jobs or locations frequently, or do work that involves movement, travel, and variety. You grasp concepts easily and may become impatient with those who don't learn as quickly.
Venus in Gemini
In matters of love and romance, a person's sense of humor, intellect, and communication skills attract you more than their physical appearance. You desire a partner who is mentally stimulating, curious, one who can challenge your mind, and keeps you from getting bored. Relationships where talking, sharing ideas, going places, and learning new things together are highly preferred and needed. You need a lot of social stimulation and can be a bit of a flirt. Jealous and possessive partners turn you off. You are charming, friendly, and enjoy meeting new people. You can be fickle in matters of love and may have a tendency to desire more than one love interest at a time. You enjoy the fun and excitement of love, yet may fear its obligations. Your feelings can be well expressed through speaking, through writing or poetry, or perhaps through art where you get a chance to work with your hands. Your emotions are ruled by your mind and you may prefer intellectualizing your feelings. If Venus if poorly aspected, your breathing may be shallow and there may be poor oxygenation of the blood.
Mars in Pisces
Your energies and aggressions tend to come out in non-combative and noncompetitive ways. You are a bit of a pacifist and do not enjoy tackling anyone or anything head-on in a directly confrontational manner. Working around people or situations or working behind the scenes, in secret, is more your preferred style. If necessary, it is more your tendency to give up something rather than to fight for it. Because your ego is not especially interested in personal achievement, glorification, material advantage, or winning at the expense of someone else, you may come across to others as weak-willed or ineffectual. Being on top, being the best, or being first doesn't mean much to you, hence you can be quite happy in a supporting role, working for the benefit of others or for a cause that you believe in. You may experience difficulties in planning clear and definite goals for yourself in the real world. You are not sure what you want out of life, except you instinctively seem to know that you do have and need to find a spiritual purpose. You have many dreams, high ideals, and a strong mystical or religious impulse. You also have a creative imagination and can successfully apply yourself to art or music. You are intuitive, humorous and diplomatic, quiet on the outside, but restless within. On the negative side you can be indecisive, procrastinating, too interested in the sensual side of life, and may resort to using drugs or alcohol as a way to escape the pressures and responsibilities of dealing with everyday life. Learning self-control is important for you. Take action, don't day-dream.
Jupiter in Aquarius
You are a humanitarian and are concerned with the welfare of all people. You believe in the universality of life and the brotherhood of man. Reform and large group projects appeal to you as they give you wide scope for your own personal growth and expansion. You work well with others because of your inventive mind, your keen judgment, your fine intellect and your friendliness. You are intuitive, tolerant and sociable. You make an ideal diplomat, labor relation specialist or personnel manager because of your knack for handling various groups of people.
Saturn in Gemini
Your thinking is deliberate and serious and you possess organization skills, concentration and mental stability. You can focus on deep and difficult matters and come up with practical solutions to problems. You enjoy learning. But there may also be tendencies towards cynicism, depression, and pessimism. Nervous tension can be a problem and the intake of air into the lungs or the oxygenation of the blood can be restricted. Your lungs need plenty of oxygen. It is best for you to sleep in a well-ventilated room. Saturn here steadies your mind and helps control the natural flightiness of Gemini. This is a good position for Saturn, but you may need to develop faith in the future. It will be important for you to discipline your mind and learn to think and act methodically if you are to be successful in anything.
Your rising sign or Ascendant

The sign that is on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth is called the Rising Sign or the Ascendant. The Ascendant marks the difference in temperament, disposition, physical appearance and personality of individuals. It is the lens through which everything else in the chart is focused or looked through, thus coloring the way we look at everything. People see us through our rising sign and we see the world through our rising sign.
Ascendant in your Natal Chart: LEO
Interpretation of Ascendant in your Natal Chart (LEO)
People with Leo rising tend to be generous, proud, emotional, romantic, extroverted, vain, egotistical, courageous, sentimental, self-confident, showy, and want to shine and be successful in wherever they go and whatever they do. They like to "rule" and have homage paid to them for their "royal" nature. You like to take risks and can sometimes be foolhardy, but you definitely have a zest for living. The worst thing someone can do to you is to hurt your pride or be unappreciative of you. You wear your heart on your sleeve in matters of love and you need a partner you can be proud of — and you want them to be proud of you. You are faithful to and protective of those you love. You can be quick-tempered, but you tend to not stay angry for long. You like to play the kingly role and have a sense of drama surrounding you. You are a ham. You like being the center of attention and will do things just to get that attention. You can be stubborn in a sunny sort of way. Your roar is worse than your bite. If your pride is hurt or your dignity is trampled on, then watch out, because you can forgive, but you don't forget. You enjoy sports and out-of-doors activity. Your vitality and spirit are strong except if your heart is broken in love. Your need for love and affection is very great and you need to feel appreciated. If frustrated, you lose your desire for living. Spiritual lesson to learn: Humility. The Sun rules Leo so the Sun will be important in your chart.
Planets in the Houses
Sun in 10th house
You may have a desire to attain success and power for the benefit of others or to seek success and power for yourself without thought of anyone else. You want to shine and be recognized for your accomplishments. You want to be really good at something. There is strong motivation towards succeeding in a career and/or personal achievements. You have the ability to inspire others through your example. You are ambitious and self-aggrandizement is possible. People in high places can help or hinder your career.
Moon in 10th house
What others think is very important to you. A desire for achievement can dominate your feelings. You may hold a public position managing or dealing with change, women or publicity. You have a personal charisma which enables you to influence others. Many changes of career are possible. You feel a need to be socially useful to society. Concerning vocation: You desire a take-charge position within work situations. Your individuality is emphasized, often to the point that no subordinate position within work can be easily tolerated. Your emotions must be controlled.
Mercury in 10th house
Perhaps you will write or speak as a career. The teaching profession may hold promise for you. You have the ability to communicate your ideas to others and to be recognized for them. Your manual dexterity and mental alertness may lead you to a field where this is a real necessity. You may have several jobs, as you have a variety of talents. There is a possibility of travel in your profession.
Venus in 10th house
Your pleasant disposition and harmonious nature make you popular in your career and with the world at-large. People seem to want to do nice things for you, which can lead to laziness if you abuse this energy. You have a loving and friendly approach to the world with a general attitude of optimism. This placement can be favorable for public speaking and singing. Your voice may be used to please and inspire people. This position usually grants comfortable financial circumstances.
Mars in 7th house
You are independent, like to have your own way and you must develop gentleness and diplomacy in order to avoid rubbing people the wrong way. You need to learn how to cooperate with others. Relationships energize you and you get a great deal of stimulation from them. You desire an active partner who can help you share in the goings-on of the world. Your partner needs to challenge you, help you initiate projects and perhaps compete with you. You need a sparring partner! Your relationships have much energy and you need to channel that energy into constructive means and not into destructive ones. The competition between you and your partner might better be directed towards the outer world. In all your dealings with others you enjoy the element of challenge and competition. You may goad others just to see how they will react. The chase is important to you, perhaps more important then the end result. Because you enjoy the action, you may not mind losing battles to a partner who is prepared to carry the fight to you. Your marriage partner is likely to be very ardent, positive, active, capable and courageous, with a will of their own. Perhaps the partner you seek is someone who can play the role of a champion or a crusader. Mars here makes for an association where the passions have full play and a love match with much devotion is possible. The tendency is to marry early, often as a result of love at first sight, although if Mars is badly aspected, you may "marry in haste and repent at leisure". There may be strife and friction in marriage as a result of the partner's hasty temper, intemperance, extravagance, brashness, intolerance, over-demanding attitude or violence. In order to get the best results from marriage and partnership, you should try to be as cooperative and easy-going as possible, practicing gentleness and diplomacy rather than allowing any assertive or quarrelsome tendencies to gain the upper hand.
Jupiter in 6th house
This placement tends to give good health. Any health problems are usually caused by extravagance and over-indulgence, too much of a good thing. You are helpful to others and are a dependable worker with a sense of loyalty. You inspire cooperation and good will among your fellow workers. You enjoy your work and give of your time willingly. Watch that you do not overwork or overindulge in eating or drinking. There could be difficulties in the liver and blood or poor circulation due to over-indulgence.
Saturn in 10th house
You are self-reliant and independent with good business and organizing ability. Success for you comes slowly, through perseverance and hard work. You must accept your responsibilities, otherwise life will be a series of setbacks and failures. Chasing power and using others to get what you want will cause your downfall. You need to control your ambitions. Be careful of bridges you burn — you may need to cross back over them. There may be difficulties with either parent because of their discipline, strictness or a need to control your life.
Uranus in 3rd house
Your mind is independent, original, creative, unconventional, curious, perhaps somewhat eccentric, and unusual. People around you sometimes cannot understand how you think or why you express yourself in the ways you do. You may be ahead of your time. Mental restlessness causes you to always be on the search for new information and knowledge. You have unique ways of passing this new information along to others. Frequent changes of mind are likely as new data filters through you. Relationships with siblings and neighbors are likely to be unusual and perhaps somewhat high-strung and tense at times. Boredom is seldom a problem. The desire for fresh experience may cause you to travel extensively. Intellectual freedom is important to you.
Neptune in 4th house
You may experience a sense of inner uncertainty, insecurity and confusion. Unexplainable fears and anxieties may cause you to withdraw from living. You idealize the home environment and it may be, in reality, more in your imagination rather than in fact. A spiritual tie with one or both parents is likely. A desire to live by the sea is not uncommon with this position. You may have vague recollections regarding your true roots and this uncertainty may cause difficulties. Remember, with Neptune, things are not as they appear and you need to face reality in your home environment and with respect to your parents rather than what may be in your imagination and sub-conscious.
Pluto in 2nd house
You have financial ability with keen judgment, patience, energy, and will. You may possess unusual talents. This placement may give an inordinate desire for money and possessions. Watch the tendency to view loved ones as possessions. You may see money coming and going in order to de-emphasize its importance. Detachment may be necessary. You must learn to spontaneously share all possessions with others. Integrity in money matters is essential. Others may seek to control your resources and possessions or you may be quite demanding and controlling with your own resources, monetary and otherwise.

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Astrology does not say a certain event is going to happen, but that there is a (certain) possibility that an event might happen. The tremendous gravitational forces of planets affect the human's sensitive brain and forces it to respond in a particular pattern of behavior and actions. Every single action in our lives is the result of our thought-process, initialized by planets.