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A birth chart, also known as a natal chart, is a map of where all the major planets and astral bodies were located at the time you were born. All of the astral bodies were moving through different zodiac signs and houses at your time of birth, and their positions will have different effects on your personality and life. Enter birth information below for a personalized natal report.
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Birth Chart Interpretation - Janet
Date of Birth: 13th of September 1980 11:30
Birthplace: Austin, United States
Latitude: 30o 16'
Longitude: 97o 44'
The interpretation of the displayed transits was done on the assumption that you entered the data on the time and place of birth correctly. For the entered date and time (09/13/1980 11:30) and birthplace (Austin, United States) Daylight Saving Time (DST) is on (Time Zone America/Chicago | GMT -5.0)
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Birth Chart Interpretation
Planets in Signs
Your Sun sign: VIRGO
Sun in Virgo
Virgos desire purity and perfection in all they are and all they do. They are generally reserved, shy, analytical, discriminating, precise, industrious, systematic, considerate, punctual, and reliable. Virgos are hard workers who usually have a great deal of common sense and are practical, with a flair for detailed work. On the negative side, though, they can also be aloof, skeptical, picky, sarcastic, depressed, critical, pessimistic, whiny, and self-centered. Virgoans are happy when they can work with a lot of details, usually of a technical or analytical nature, in and for the service of others. They do not have to be the boss as service is more important than leadership. Virgoans have curious and inquiring minds, with keen analysis and excellent memories. They enjoy analyzing people, situations, and problems. They always want to know how, why, when and where. It is sometimes hard for a Virgo to relax because boredom is something they cannot stand. They want to be busy, either doing or learning. A Virgoan can generally be depended upon to fulfill a promise. They have a flair for organization and enjoy setting up schedules. There is an inborn love of order and harmony. They are always subconsciously seeking perfection in whatever they attempt. Because they push themselves so hard to be perfect, they have a tendency to look for perfection in others. If they find it lacking, they can become pretty critical and faultfinding. Virgos have a tendency to worry. This is because they desire perfection and are always thinking about how something can be made better or how they can do something better, even, and especially, after the fact. This tension can affect their health, causing intestinal disorders. Virgos need to develop a positive outlook on life, as this has a direct affect on their health. If they become too anxious about life, they can become hypochondriacs. They are generally healthy and are always looking for new ways to take care of themselves, usually through better diet or through natural means of healing. Whether old or young, all Virgoans need a quiet period each day in order to rest their active minds. In any case, many Virgos look much younger than their years. In love, a Virgoan has difficulty expressing himself as passionately as he desires. Virgos are very self-sufficient, but they are also very happy when they have someone to love, someone to serve.
Moon in Scorpio
You are secretive and inclined to brood in silence over the wrongs that people have done, either in reality or simply in your own mind. The mental and emotional focus may be on sensual things or on sex or death. You find it difficult to trust people as you are suspicious of their inner thoughts and plans. You open yourself up to very few as you do not find it easy to trust others. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable and to relinquish control in relationships is not easy for you. You love with passion and you hate with passion. Everything is done emotionally, with intensity. You can be very jealous and possessive in your relationships. Perhaps your mother was very controlling. You have a habit of holding on to wrongs that have been done in the past and not forgiving nor forgetting, and to keep such feelings to yourself. Guilt, resentment and vindictiveness need to be overcome. You must learn to let go or your health will suffer. Learn to express your feelings outwardly rather than repressing them within. You are not content with superficial appearances and are always probing beneath the surface of things for hidden motives. You have a great deal of emotional depth. The potential for success is great when control and discipline are learned. You are magnetic, energetic, independent, aggressive, patient, and determined. Self-control of the passions is mandatory.
Mercury in Libra
One of your best talents is your ability to see all sides of an issue, and to negotiate and bring about compromise and reconciliation. You are diplomatic, fair, tactful, and reasonable, possessing considerable social finesse. You work well with all groups of people. You are objective and somewhat detached from emotional bias and may make an excellent consultant, mediator, or public relations person. You insist upon fair play and seek peace and harmony in all situations. Your fine aesthetic sensitivities allow you to work in artistic or cultural environments. You have a persuasive, rational, well-balanced mind with artistic sensitivities. You are flexible and willing to listen to all sides of an issue. This may lead to vacillation and indecision, though, because sometimes you cannot make up your mind as to which side has the most merit. Your thinking process works by means of comparing things and finding analogies. This is when you are at your best.
Venus in Leo
In affairs of the heart you are warm-hearted, spontaneous, ardent, affectionate, loyal and generous. You hate pettiness and stinginess in your partner. You seek the Hero, the Prince or Princess, someone you can idolize and adore, someone you have great pride in or someone who can sweep you off your feet. You crave love, appreciation, and attention from others and like to be at the center of things. You are rather susceptible to flattery and love to feel SPECIAL. You want and enjoy drama in your love life and some grand romantic gesture or extravagant expression of generosity impresses you. You dramatize your emotions. You are honest, frank, attractive, kind, compassionate, and fun-loving with a charming personality. You find it easy to be in love with love. You may expect too much of people and thus become easily hurt. You must watch a tendency to be preoccupied with your physical appearance when you should be developing your inner potential. Vanity and becoming a show-off is possible. You need to be admired for your inner and outer beauty.
Mars in Scorpio
You are extremely strong-willed and you pursue your goals and desires with passionate dedication and determination. You are capable of total concentration and tremendous discipline, and you are very difficult to influence once your mind is made up. When you want something, you can be very one-sided and almost obsessed with it. You tend to be secretive and you do not want others to know what your plans are. You tend to be instinctive, perceptive, determined, strong-willed, stubborn and magnetic. You have deep emotions and may occasionally show a primitive side. You need to learn self-discipline or your desire nature will rule your life, probably causing great sorrow in the end. You must learn to control your jealousy and possessiveness in matters of love. A certain amount of detachment in relationships would probably be good and this, of course, would include your tendency to treat loved ones as possessions. You are very forceful in a quiet and subtle way and others may have difficulty in seeing or understanding your motives. You can manipulate people in a way that is not obvious to them or others. Direct confrontation with others is not your preferred style. You like operating behind the scenes. In any case, you are a formidable opponent when riled. In matters of health, there may be a tendency towards hemorrhoids.
Jupiter in Virgo
You have a cautious, intellectual, analytical, and practical nature with an uncanny ability to sift the wheat from the chaff and determine the essential from the non-essential and the truth from the fiction. Your judgment is usually excellent and this helps bring success in business or work in general. You have a strong desire to expand your field of knowledge and to develop technical skill. On the negative side, you can at times be cynical, carping, critical, and mistrusting of others. There can be times when you get lost in the details and lose the bigger picture. There may be a dislike for exercise.
Saturn in Virgo
You tend to be industrious, efficient, practical, exacting, scientific, organized, shy, thrifty, studious, economical, and punctual. You have common sense and the ability to manage others, but may be a bit of a perfectionist. Detailed work does not bother you and you are able to focus and concentrate on the various minutia of any project. Your mind is deep and analytical and you probably have a good head for numbers. You may be prone to periods of depression or be prone to hypochondriac tendencies. Your work is usually neat and orderly and you dislike messes and dirt. There may be a desire for solitude. You need to stay busy because boredom brings unnecessary worry. Do not allow yourself to be critical of others.
Your rising sign or Ascendant

The sign that is on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth is called the Rising Sign or the Ascendant. The Ascendant marks the difference in temperament, disposition, physical appearance and personality of individuals. It is the lens through which everything else in the chart is focused or looked through, thus coloring the way we look at everything. People see us through our rising sign and we see the world through our rising sign.
Ascendant in your Natal Chart: SCORPIO
Interpretation of Ascendant in your Natal Chart (SCORPIO)
People with Scorpio rising tend to be secretive, deep, withdrawn, mysterious, regenerate or degenerate, reserved, hard to understand, courageous, willful, persistent, stubborn in thought, creative, self-reliant, self-controlled (except perhaps with the passions), and silent. According to the spiritual astrologer Isabel Hickey, no unevolved soul is born with Scorpio rising. This is a powerhouse rising sign. It represents the battleground where the higher and lower selves must come to mortal combat. They must be aligned and the lower self eventually must die and give way to and obey the higher self, the God within. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels are all involved. You appear calm on the surface, but you can be extremely emotional inside. "Still waters run deep", as they say. You tend to be the silent type, always wanting to know others' motivations, but never disclosing your own. You love to play the detective or the ferret. You have to know everything, all the how's and why's. You have great determination and strength, enough to overcome any adversary, even yourself. You need to overcome resentment, possessiveness and jealousy. There may be a fascination, preoccupation, interest and/or ability with the occult, death, sex or healing. You can be a devil or an angel, the eagle or the stinging scorpion. Spiritual lesson to learn: Forgiveness. Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio so Mars and Pluto will be important in your chart.
Planets in the Houses
Sun in 10th house
You may have a desire to attain success and power for the benefit of others or to seek success and power for yourself without thought of anyone else. You want to shine and be recognized for your accomplishments. You want to be really good at something. There is strong motivation towards succeeding in a career and/or personal achievements. You have the ability to inspire others through your example. You are ambitious and self-aggrandizement is possible. People in high places can help or hinder your career.
Moon in 12th house
This position can indicate work behind the scenes in an institution, hospital or jail. There may be dealings with public welfare or those unfortunates of life. Conscious or subconscious sensitivity can be damaging if not held in check. You feel some sort of cross to bear which others may not be aware of and many troubles may occur. Secret enemies may try to take advantage of you. Through suffering comes obedience. Your mother may be of great distress to you. Serving others is the safest, shortest road to God. Teach to others what you have learned through your own suffering. Concerning vocation: You prefer little or no contact at all with the public in your job. Symbolically, this position is the author hidden away in the attic, the playwright who will not attend a performance of his work, the behind-the-scenes person. The personality is hidden and may be limited and confined. In work, these conditions are preferred in order to provide maximum security and comfort to the personality.
Mercury in 11th house
You have an original, comprehensive, adaptable and intellectual mind. Your goals are obtained through the use of your mind. You choose friends who stimulate your mind, perhaps younger friends. You find it stimulating to converse with those friends who share opposing views. You could be the spokesman or secretary for your favorite group or organization.
Venus in 9th house
You probably have a love of travel and the ability to benefit from these travels. You may move far away from your place of birth. You possess the ability to promote understanding between different cultural or aesthetic groups. Beauty, art and music from foreign cultures appeals to you. You can be fair in legal dealings. There may be love of and attraction to religion or ceremony, philosophy, law or higher learning.
Mars in 12th house
You may have intense emotional reactions and perhaps repressed desires and paranoia. People may sense this and cause problems for you. There can be trouble through slander or with secret enemies. You may have need to overcome deep, hidden, inner resentments. You may be subject to false accusations by hidden enemies. You feel an aloneness. Your energy should be directed toward gaining an understanding of the meaning of life and for the development of harmony and oneness with humanity. A love of working in secret or behind the scenes can make you effective in getting the job done.
Jupiter in 10th house
This position may bring opportunity and expansion as well as success and honor to you in your profession or in your community. Much of the reason is your congenial and generous nature. You have a magnetic personality and people sense you will not let them down. Many opportunities will arise which are of benefit to you and to society as a whole. There is a strong sense of responsibility toward your career and toward personal achievement. You have the ability to get others to believe in your expansion-oriented, long-range plans, dreams and visions.
Saturn in 11th house
You have many acquaintances, but only a few close friends, probably older ones. The friendships you make endure for many years. You are attracted to groups which have a serious or necessary purpose. You feel a strong sense of duty and responsibility to the groups you become involved in. The tasks that you do for any groups may receive very little personal recognition and may require hard work. In order to attain your goals and objectives, you have to be patient and willing to work hard. If your lessons are learned, the later part of life will offer greater rewards. You may experience a sense of never fitting in with the people or groups around you because of some perceived uniqueness. In any case there may be issues regarding feeling different from others.
Uranus in 1st house
You are strong-willed, independent, original, perhaps a bit eccentric, freedom-loving, and intuitive. You have an exciting and stimulating personality which tends to draw people to you. You may be willful, high-strung, nervous, and anxious. You may experience feelings of unrest and loneliness, perhaps because of the uniqueness you feel. Seeking new and unusual ways of expressing traditional ideas appeals to you. Listen to your intuition because it is probably very strong, or could be developed to a high degree. You can become a leader who will pioneer new paths for others to follow. You may be ahead of your time. You may not pay as much attention as you should to your physical state and appearance because of the myriad of thoughts that occupy your mind.
Neptune in 2nd house
You have a strong imagination and psychic sensitivity which can be used to tap your inner talents. You receive intuitive hunches and are apt to have vivid dreams. You have an appreciation of beautiful objects. You seldom worry about money, which may be just as well, since your finances can be complicated and sometimes confusing. This placement can tend to make you extremely generous or extremely dishonest. If dishonesty is present, you will experience losses through theft, fraud and deception. Do everything on the up-and-up and money matters will go smoother. Avoid risky speculations and investments. Be completely honest with respect to money matters.
Pluto in 11th house
Loyalty of friends is important to you. Some friends may try to be quite controlling of you or you may be quite controlling of them. Intensity of friendships really appeals to you. Your friends may find you rather charismatic. They perhaps see you as the rebel or the reformer or idealist. Friends will come and go as the need for your own growth changes. This is all part of the cosmic process. What ceases to grow, dies. This includes friendships and all relationships you may have with different groups of people. Groups and organizations can play major roles in your regeneration or transformation. Your dedication to high ideals can be used for the benefit of all mankind, if you apply yourself. You have leadership ability and the will to fight for "causes" that are beneficial to others.

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Astrology does not say a certain event is going to happen, but that there is a (certain) possibility that an event might happen. The tremendous gravitational forces of planets affect the human's sensitive brain and forces it to respond in a particular pattern of behavior and actions. Every single action in our lives is the result of our thought-process, initialized by planets.