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A birth chart, also known as a natal chart, is a map of where all the major planets and astral bodies were located at the time you were born. All of the astral bodies were moving through different zodiac signs and houses at your time of birth, and their positions will have different effects on your personality and life. Enter birth information below for a personalized natal report.
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Birth Chart Interpretation - Beyoncé
Date of Birth: 4th of September 1981 10:00
Birthplace: Houston, United States
Latitude: 29o 45'
Longitude: 95o 21'
The interpretation of the displayed transits was done on the assumption that you entered the data on the time and place of birth correctly. For the entered date and time (09/04/1981 10:00) and birthplace (Houston, United States) Daylight Saving Time (DST) is on (Time Zone America/Chicago | GMT -5.0)
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Birth Chart Interpretation
Planets in Signs
Your Sun sign: VIRGO
Sun in Virgo
Virgos desire purity and perfection in all they are and all they do. They are generally reserved, shy, analytical, discriminating, precise, industrious, systematic, considerate, punctual, and reliable. Virgos are hard workers who usually have a great deal of common sense and are practical, with a flair for detailed work. On the negative side, though, they can also be aloof, skeptical, picky, sarcastic, depressed, critical, pessimistic, whiny, and self-centered. Virgoans are happy when they can work with a lot of details, usually of a technical or analytical nature, in and for the service of others. They do not have to be the boss as service is more important than leadership. Virgoans have curious and inquiring minds, with keen analysis and excellent memories. They enjoy analyzing people, situations, and problems. They always want to know how, why, when and where. It is sometimes hard for a Virgo to relax because boredom is something they cannot stand. They want to be busy, either doing or learning. A Virgoan can generally be depended upon to fulfill a promise. They have a flair for organization and enjoy setting up schedules. There is an inborn love of order and harmony. They are always subconsciously seeking perfection in whatever they attempt. Because they push themselves so hard to be perfect, they have a tendency to look for perfection in others. If they find it lacking, they can become pretty critical and faultfinding. Virgos have a tendency to worry. This is because they desire perfection and are always thinking about how something can be made better or how they can do something better, even, and especially, after the fact. This tension can affect their health, causing intestinal disorders. Virgos need to develop a positive outlook on life, as this has a direct affect on their health. If they become too anxious about life, they can become hypochondriacs. They are generally healthy and are always looking for new ways to take care of themselves, usually through better diet or through natural means of healing. Whether old or young, all Virgoans need a quiet period each day in order to rest their active minds. In any case, many Virgos look much younger than their years. In love, a Virgoan has difficulty expressing himself as passionately as he desires. Virgos are very self-sufficient, but they are also very happy when they have someone to love, someone to serve.
Moon in Scorpio
You are secretive and inclined to brood in silence over the wrongs that people have done, either in reality or simply in your own mind. The mental and emotional focus may be on sensual things or on sex or death. You find it difficult to trust people as you are suspicious of their inner thoughts and plans. You open yourself up to very few as you do not find it easy to trust others. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable and to relinquish control in relationships is not easy for you. You love with passion and you hate with passion. Everything is done emotionally, with intensity. You can be very jealous and possessive in your relationships. Perhaps your mother was very controlling. You have a habit of holding on to wrongs that have been done in the past and not forgiving nor forgetting, and to keep such feelings to yourself. Guilt, resentment and vindictiveness need to be overcome. You must learn to let go or your health will suffer. Learn to express your feelings outwardly rather than repressing them within. You are not content with superficial appearances and are always probing beneath the surface of things for hidden motives. You have a great deal of emotional depth. The potential for success is great when control and discipline are learned. You are magnetic, energetic, independent, aggressive, patient, and determined. Self-control of the passions is mandatory.
Mercury in Libra
One of your best talents is your ability to see all sides of an issue, and to negotiate and bring about compromise and reconciliation. You are diplomatic, fair, tactful, and reasonable, possessing considerable social finesse. You work well with all groups of people. You are objective and somewhat detached from emotional bias and may make an excellent consultant, mediator, or public relations person. You insist upon fair play and seek peace and harmony in all situations. Your fine aesthetic sensitivities allow you to work in artistic or cultural environments. You have a persuasive, rational, well-balanced mind with artistic sensitivities. You are flexible and willing to listen to all sides of an issue. This may lead to vacillation and indecision, though, because sometimes you cannot make up your mind as to which side has the most merit. Your thinking process works by means of comparing things and finding analogies. This is when you are at your best.
Venus in Libra
You are charming, tactful, courteous, considerate, balanced, poised, harmonious, and have a strong desire to please and not make waves. Because you try to be so agreeable, you have a difficult time saying "no". Thus people may take advantage of you. Although Venus is a so-called benefic planet, Venus in Libra can be fairly ruthless at times within relationships. With this position, one knows just what the other wants to hear and can thus be quite manipulative. You naturally attract people and things into your life when they are needed. Sometimes this happens so easily that you do not appreciate what you have. Harmony is valued so much that you will compromise a great deal in order to keep it. You do not like to dwell on controversial or emotionally difficult subjects and often try to "smooth things over" or "sweep them under the rug". In marriage and partnerships you want someone who is an equal, someone who balances you and your personality. You are attracted to people who have a certain finesse, delicacy, and subtlety. You appreciate good manners and refinement and are not happy with a coarse, blunt type of person. You possess magnetism and refinement and you relate well to others. You probably have musical or artistic ability or at the very least a fine appreciation of them, as well as good color sense. On the negative side, you may at times be lazy, wanting to take the easy way out or the line of least resistance. You can also be very indecisive. You need people and may find it difficult to feel comfortable in your own company.
Mars in Leo
You are proud and probably have a big ego. You want to excel, to stand out and be recognized for who and what you are. You like to be Number One. It is difficult for you to take orders or to stay in the background. You like to be noticed and will do things in a dramatic manner just to get attention and be seen. You hate being wrong and may insist that you are always right. You are forceful, strong, energetic, artistically creative, determined, and highly competitive. You play hard, you play to win, and you do not give up easily. In fact, you see life as a competitive sport, game or performance. You love admiration and applause, and you have a strong sense of personal honor and integrity. You tend to be very self-confident, even arrogant. But you may become self-conscious, defensive, and rather belligerent if your self-confidence is shaken. You tend to be enthusiastic, rather impulsive, full of energy, and ambitious. You are very ardent in matters of love and will pursue your love interest with great fervor and passion, letting nothing get in the way of your desires. You don't beat around the bush, but say exactly what you feel, often in an embarrassing direct way. On the negative side, there may be a love of taking risks or of gambling. You can be quarrelsome, argumentative and jealous. There may be heart trouble if physical activity is overdone when you are not in shape or if anger is allowed to vent destructively. Energy and passion both need to be disciplined. You need to be admired for your actions.
Jupiter in Libra
You are philosophical, sympathetic and friendly. You expand your horizons and grow through using your ability to be outgoing with and well-liked by others. You have the ability to encourage others towards greater efforts. There is a love for beautiful things and perhaps an interest in art or law. On the negative side, there is danger of self-indulgence or extravagance, and a desire to improve social status through marriage rather than establishing a partnership based on true love. There may be more concern to demonstrate to the world that the marriage has been successful rather than happy. Much expense may be incurred through partnership, perhaps on account of the marriage partner's extravagant tastes.
Saturn in Libra
You are diplomatic, tactful, and you have balanced judgment which inspires trust. In matters if health there may be urinary problems or trouble with the kidneys. Saturn tends to obstruct the filtering action of the kidneys, allowing toxic elements to stay in the blood stream and intoxicate the body. Drinking distilled rather than spring, mineral or tap water would be better for your kidneys. There is a need for you to cooperate and share in harmony, patience, and love with other people. Marriage or partnerships may be restricting, requiring hard work and discipline so that you may learn the lessons of cooperation rather than competition. Marriage and partnerships give you a sense of security and for that reason you seek them out. You may marry for practical reasons, for money, or to someone a lot older or younger. Various possibilities exist with this position. You may take great trouble to find a mate who is able to demonstrate a similar integrity, and thus marry at a later age than most, or you may choose an older partner or a contemporary who is apt to be austere or undemonstrative. A desire for perfection may make you too demanding in the marriage or your view of marriage may be too conventional or old-fashioned. If Saturn is badly aspected, then you may be cold or regard marriage as a yoke with which you do not care to burden yourself. Or lastly, you may tell yourself that you will never find a partner who will measure up to your requirements.
Your rising sign or Ascendant

The sign that is on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth is called the Rising Sign or the Ascendant. The Ascendant marks the difference in temperament, disposition, physical appearance and personality of individuals. It is the lens through which everything else in the chart is focused or looked through, thus coloring the way we look at everything. People see us through our rising sign and we see the world through our rising sign.
Ascendant in your Natal Chart: LIBRA
Interpretation of Ascendant in your Natal Chart (LIBRA)
People with Libra rising tend to be charming, refined, attractive in some manner, gracious, appealing, indecisive, cooperative, sociable, creative, artistic, perhaps musically inclined, harmonious, and wanting to please and not make waves. You seek the approval and support of others. You may "need" the company of others and hate to be by yourself. You are apt to try too hard to please others and compromise your own principles in order to be liked or to be popular. Yet you can also be very self-centered. You have a difficult time saying "no". You cannot stand disorder and disharmony and want everything to be balanced, poised, and harmonious. You like looking at all sides of an issue before making up your mind. You love to compare things and find analogies. You enjoy argument, yet you can be very diplomatic with a friendly exterior. Looks are important to you. You tend to attract whatever it is that you need without any real effort on your part. Spiritual lesson to learn: Decisiveness, especially in relationships. Venus rules Libra so Venus will be important in your chart.
Planets in the Houses
Sun in 11th house
You probably possess a desire to raise goals to a higher level and to seek ideas which would be of benefit for the group. Or you may desire to place your own goals and desires above the wishes of the group. You have the ability to make friends, many who are influential and wield power. You enjoy your work with groups. You are responsible, liberal and broad-minded. You are a humanitarian who would rather be popular than powerful. You have organizing ability and probably take the leadership role in group activities or friendly get-togethers.
Moon in 2nd house
You want and perhaps need to possess both money and possessions for your emotional security. Your feelings and emotional well-being are connected with your material resources. Changes and fluctuations will occur in your financial situation. Perhaps you alternate between being thrifty and careless with your money. Concerning vocation: the emphasis here is on self-worth. You need a work structure that allows public view or access, or working with women or the public. Like a pretty piece of jewelry in a department store window, you should be within the public's view while working. This may not entail working with the public directly, however. You feel as if you need to be seen while working. Becoming one with your work allows you to identify personally and emotionally with some life purpose and to project this to the public at large. Because you so closely identify with your work, your ideas of how successful you are as a person are directly tied in with the success you feel at your work environment.
Mercury in 12th house
You have a perceptive, intuitive and subtle mind with an interest in the metaphysical world. You can absorb knowledge intuitively and you understand more than you wish to divulge. You are secretive and have the ability to understand the deeper meanings of tones of voice and hand gestures. Secret enemies may try to undo you or speak evil of you. You may lack confidence in yourself. You may find yourself limited or incapacitated if you allow your nerves to become too frayed. Be careful of your ears and your hearing, which may be weak.
Venus in 12th house
Your love of solitude and being your own best company may cause you to want to retreat from society. Pleasures are enjoyed in secret or behind the scenes. Clandestine relationships are possible. Self-indulgence through drink, drugs or sex can bring on self-undoing. There is a strong sense of compassion and a willingness to help and serve others. You may be a sucker for a good sob story. Success by social standards is unimportant to you. You want an understanding of the meaning of life. There is a tendency to keep relationships with the opposite sex a secret. You seldom reveal your innermost feelings. This position usually gives an interest in psychic or occult subjects.
Mars in 10th house
You have an ambitious, enthusiastic nature with lots of energy. You have good executive ability and organizational powers. You want to lead and show the way, taking the initiative in your career. Success comes through your own enterprise. You do best in an occupation with variety. Your self-reliance is strong and you are practical and results oriented. There may be some difficulty or friction with one of your parents or with superiors at work.
Jupiter in 12th house
You tend to be philanthropic and have great faith in the future. You may have an "angel" to watch over you and assist you through any reversals. There is a love of humanity and a great desire to help others, especially those who cannot fend for themselves. Work in a hospital or jail is possible. Success comes in a quiet, unassuming manner in middle life. You can be unrealistic, though. It is important to think all ideas carefully through before carrying them out.
Saturn in 12th house
You have the potential to develop strong inner discipline and sensitivity. There can be feelings of fear, doubt and a lack of confidence in yourself. There may be an unconscious desire to make restitution for wrongs committed in previous lives. Thus, you may feel fated and desire to retreat from society. A strong inner discipline gives you the ability to repay your past life debts, though. Your present path may involve serving mankind in some manner. Chronic health problems can be experienced if subconscious fears are not brought out into the open. There is a love of solitude. Work may be behind the scenes or it may involve an occupation where you do not come into contact with the general public.
Uranus in 2nd house
You can earn money in original and inventive ways. Money and possessions come and go in sudden, unexpected ways. There may be unusual and disruptive changes in your financial condition. You may value money for the freedom it gives you to pursue your inner talents, which may be rare and unique. You have the ability to get yourself out of financial difficulties.
Neptune in 3rd house
You are idealistic and artistic. Your mind soaks up information rather than acquiring it by brute force. Your ability to visualize and imagine is probably quite pronounced. Flashes of inspiration can come to you quite suddenly. There may even be traces of clairvoyance. Perhaps you have felt as if you could read people's minds? Concentration on book work may be difficult for you. Did you ever try sleeping with the book under your pillow? Possible karmic obligations to siblings or neighbors may need to be reconciled. Some feelings of insecurity may cause nervous disorders. You may have a tendency to be unreliable or negative. Avoid procrastination and idle day-dreaming. Avoid all negative psychic practices and drugs.
Pluto in 1st house
You are strong-willed, brave, self-sufficient and probably enjoy throwing your weight around. Yet you may lack self-confidence. Controlling others may become an issue for you. You crave experience and transformation. Regeneration is a topic that occupies your thoughts. There is a magnetism that surrounds you that draws other people to you, yet you may be a loner whom others find difficult to understand. You can be gentle and sensitive, yet will always fight for what you believe in. You don't back down from anyone. You are capable of great anger under the right circumstances and when this occurs, you can go off like an A-bomb. You may be a channel for healing and can perhaps develop this ability should you decide. Forgive and forget and don't brood over slights, whether real or imaginary. Trying to be a little more flexible wouldn't hurt either.

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Astrology does not say a certain event is going to happen, but that there is a (certain) possibility that an event might happen. The tremendous gravitational forces of planets affect the human's sensitive brain and forces it to respond in a particular pattern of behavior and actions. Every single action in our lives is the result of our thought-process, initialized by planets.