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A birth chart, also known as a natal chart, is a map of where all the major planets and astral bodies were located at the time you were born. All of the astral bodies were moving through different zodiac signs and houses at your time of birth, and their positions will have different effects on your personality and life. Enter birth information below for a personalized natal report.
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Birth Chart Interpretation - Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber
Date of Birth: 1st of March 1994 12:56
Birthplace: Stratford, Canada
Latitude: 43o 22'
Longitude: 80o 56'
The interpretation of the displayed transits was done on the assumption that you entered the data on the time and place of birth correctly. For the entered date and time (03/01/1994 12:56) and birthplace (Stratford, Canada) Daylight Saving Time (DST) is off (Time Zone America/Toronto | GMT -5.0)
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Birth Chart Interpretation
Planets in Signs
Your Sun sign: PISCES
Sun in Pisces
Pisceans are sympathetic, compassionate, unassuming, idealistic, intuitive, congenial, adaptable, psychic, emotional, creative, secretive, versatile, imaginative and self-sacrificing. They can also be impressionable, indecisive, self-pitying, hypersensitive and changeable. They need to serve others. Pisceans are sentimental and romantic in love. At times they expect too much from others and then feel hurt if the other person doesn't come through for them. They have a strong tendency to place their loved one on a pedestal. This leads to disillusionment when they discover their loved one has faults, too. The symbol for Pisces is two fish going in opposite directions connected by a cord. One fish represents the personality and the other represents the spirit. These two opposing forces operate within a Piscean, causing insecurity and indecisiveness. Handling these forces in a positive manner is very difficult for them. Some will seek to escape these pressures through eating, alcohol, drugs or other excesses. That is what one of the fish represents. The other fish represents the Piscean rising to great heights through self-denial, sacrifice and then ultimate attainment. Pisceans learn through suffering and they need to learn perseverance. Pisceans tend to absorb the information and environment around them. Thus it is important that they surround themselves with uplifting people and circumstances. Pisceans are creative, self-sufficient people whose minds are extremely active, due to their strong imagination, which they can sometimes get carried away with. They sense and feel things that others are not aware of. Pisceans generally do not possess strong willpower nor do they have a dynamic approach to life. Although they can appear to be very determined on the outside, underneath, inner doubts are brewing. This insecurity causes them to need reassurance from others. One of their greatest needs is to learn to understand their emotional ups and downs. Since they have a tendency to doubt their own conclusions, they need to learn to believe in themselves. Pisceans are very generous with their time in helping other people. They always feel their best when they are serving others in some capacity. By using their compassion outwardly for others, they will not become as moody and introverted. Service to others is the safest, shortest road to God. Since Pisceans are reluctant to hurt others or to face any sort of confrontation, they can become involved in very difficult emotional situations which they find extremely difficult to break. They have a difficult time saying no sometimes and will stay in bad situations thinking that they can somehow change the other person and then all will be well. Some Pisceans love to play the martyr, while others need to play the savior. Pisceans tend to think with their heart rather than their head and can be easily used by others. Many fall for any kind of sob story, much to their own detriment. Their hearts are in the right place, it's just they need to be more realistic and down-to-earth. Pisceans can be highly secretive, but they make friends rather easily and are quite loyal to them. They do not particularly like verbal or combative fights, but will defend their friends in subtle ways. Pisceans sometimes lack vitality which often gives people the idea that they are lazy. Well, some are and Pisceans in general do like to procrastinate. A Piscean needs sufficient time each day to be alone while they regain their fluctuating energies. A Piscean's innate desire to escape from physical living can be used constructively through creativity. Many forms of art, dance and music appeal to them. They instinctively seem to know their own capabilities and limitations. Unfortunately, though, their knowledge of their limitations can create an inferiority complex. Pisceans enjoy drama and acting because it gives them the opportunity of being someone else. This enables them to temporarily lose their inferiority complex. Because of their hypersensitivity, they can become instantly depressed over little things that are said to them. Pisceans can appear to be deceitful because of an inborn need to justify their words and actions. If in trouble, they may attempt to rationalize their way out rather than face the consequences of their behavior.
Moon in Scorpio
You are secretive and inclined to brood in silence over the wrongs that people have done, either in reality or simply in your own mind. The mental and emotional focus may be on sensual things or on sex or death. You find it difficult to trust people as you are suspicious of their inner thoughts and plans. You open yourself up to very few as you do not find it easy to trust others. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable and to relinquish control in relationships is not easy for you. You love with passion and you hate with passion. Everything is done emotionally, with intensity. You can be very jealous and possessive in your relationships. Perhaps your mother was very controlling. You have a habit of holding on to wrongs that have been done in the past and not forgiving nor forgetting, and to keep such feelings to yourself. Guilt, resentment and vindictiveness need to be overcome. You must learn to let go or your health will suffer. Learn to express your feelings outwardly rather than repressing them within. You are not content with superficial appearances and are always probing beneath the surface of things for hidden motives. You have a great deal of emotional depth. The potential for success is great when control and discipline are learned. You are magnetic, energetic, independent, aggressive, patient, and determined. Self-control of the passions is mandatory.
Mercury in Aquarius
Your thoughts tend to be unique, unusual, rapid and coming completely out of the blue, eccentric, unconventional, scientific, weird and perhaps a bit ahead of their time. You are a progressive and non-traditional thinker and are very open and receptive to new technologies and breakthroughs and the latest discoveries in any field. You believe that humanity can resolve their problems through creative intelligence using inventive minds and scientific principles. You are a bit impatient with those who are conservative and unimaginative and those who are afraid perhaps to think about and try new things and ideas. Keeping abreast of the latest developments and technologies is fun for you. Reading science fiction helps give you food for thought regarding radically new ways of looking at things. You have a strong humanitarian impulse, an aptitude for organization and you enjoy being involved in cooperative group efforts or businesses that are contemporary and innovative. You have a versatile, disciplined, practical and original mind. You are intuitive and resourceful, with the ability to correctly judge human character and penetrate the mask that others wear. You follow your own convictions regardless of what others think of you and you have the ability to express your ideas clearly so that others easily comprehend. On the negative side you can be eccentric, bohemian, radical, revolutionary and stubborn.
Venus in Pisces
Your affections are expressed in sympathetic, compassionate, softhearted, romantic ways. You unselfishly give of yourself to those you love or to those who need or ask for your help. You may be a sucker for any sort of sob story and perhaps give too much at times which make some overly dependent on you. You are very idealistic in matters of love and this sometimes plays itself out whereby you become the martyr or the savior in relationships. You tend to be more compassionate than passionate and you become involved with others because they need love or need to be "saved" and you want to help them rather than out of mutual attraction or pleasure. You attract and are attracted to those who are sensitive, imaginative, or musically or artistically inclined. Your desire is to find someone you can have a deep, spiritual relationship with. You idealize love and have a very beautiful, romantic vision of what love can be. At times you can simply be in love with love. You may be highly emotional, perhaps overly so, sensitive, artistic, compassionate, gentle and psychic. You can be too easy-going or submissive and allow yourself to be taken advantage of because you do not want other people to feel let down and you don't like to make waves. You may have the attitude that somehow you must suffer in love, and do so willingly.
Mars in Aquarius
Your energies are expressed in unique and original ways. There may be genius shown in the way you go about things. You are inventive, scientific, a bit eccentric, unconventional and perhaps a bit rebellious. Working with others to get things done appeals to you. You enjoy taking part in sociable, group activities and unite with others of similar ideals and persuasions. You are progressive, democratic and you are not concerned with hogging personal power or having authority over others. You are a team player. New and unusual methods of work, planning and technology appeal to you. Your energy levels are usually high, but they can be erratic at times and you may find a tendency to work in spurts. Thus, you can be impatient and inconstant in pursuing your desires. You are intellectual, cautious, independent, freedom-loving and enterprising. You respond well to emergencies. There may be interests in mechanical or scientific subjects. Science fiction may intrigue you. You may need to control a radical or rebellious streak within and remember that in certain cases haste does make waste. On the negative side you can be too aggressive, quarrelsome, contentious and perverse.
Jupiter in Scorpio
You tend to be efficient and hard-working, with a flair for business and finance. You are resourceful and willing to do all the work necessary in the fulfillment of a task. You are secretive, but there is, also, great inner strength and courage. You have a magnetism that draws people to you. You have an ardent, aggressive, self-reliant nature and an enthusiastic, constructive mind. On the negative side, there may be trouble and loss through the indulgence of the lower nature and love of rich and expensive food and sickness on that account. Any tendencies for wild speculation and risk-taking should be controlled. There is interest in the occult. Strong healing abilities may be present. These energies are meant to be used to gain a higher consciousness and greater universal wisdom.
Saturn in Pisces
It may be difficult for you to set boundaries for yourself and others, or to be as disciplined and organized as you want or need to be. Things have a way of getting lost in the shuffle of everyday life and it may be hard for you to keep your touch on the pulse of things around you. Sometimes you just get lost in the fog and can't see your way clearly. You are intuitive, sympathetic, sensitive, imaginative and self-sacrificing. You are a practical idealist and have a tendency to take life perhaps too seriously. You may have the sense that your present life's troubles are due to actions from the past. And this is probably the truth. You must reap what you have sown in previous lives and Saturn comes to exact his payment. Perhaps this is why you tend to feel more sorrow, perhaps, than the usual person. There can be success in working behind the scenes, away from the public eye, perhaps doing research or working in institutions. On the negative side you can be indecisive and moody, with a tendency to react emotionally to negative conditions or people. Depression can set in if success escapes you or if you feel that you have been unfairly treated. You need to develop faith in the future and let go of the past. Disidentifying from other people's troubles will allow you to help them in their own sorrows. Teaching what you have learned in your experiences is a fine road to soul growth.
Your rising sign or Ascendant

The sign that is on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth is called the Rising Sign or the Ascendant. The Ascendant marks the difference in temperament, disposition, physical appearance and personality of individuals. It is the lens through which everything else in the chart is focused or looked through, thus coloring the way we look at everything. People see us through our rising sign and we see the world through our rising sign.
Ascendant in your Natal Chart: CANCER
Interpretation of Ascendant in your Natal Chart (CANCER)
People with Cancer rising tend to be less vital than average, sympathetic, compassionate, passive, nurturing, receptive, protective, retentive, changeable, psychic, sentimental, tenacious, timid, quiet, sensitive, acquisitive (pack-rat), and moody. Just like the crab Cancer represents, you may have the habit of looking ahead and behind you at the same time, not fully wanting to face the future head-on and always worrying about the past and what might be sneaking up on you from behind, causing you great worry. You go through life in a curious sideways motion, never going simply directly forward. You are sensitive and you retreat into your shell when you feel threatened. Your feelings can be easily hurt, even when no slight was meant and you can take things much too personally. You enjoy travel, but you absolutely need to know that you have a home base waiting for you to come back to. Security is everything for you in life. Physical security comes with a comfortable base of operations and emotional security comes from all your possessions and attachments that have sentimental value to you. In fact, that's why you keep everything — because of all the emotional value and significance. Once you have latched onto something or someone, you do not tend to let go easily. You respond to life through feeling, not thinking. Your moods go up and down just like the tides. Spiritual lesson to learn: Discernment (distinguish boundaries). The Moon rules Cancer so the Moon will be important in your chart.
Planets in the Houses
Sun in 9th house
You may wish to find, understand, live and accept a higher ideal or philosophy. But, then again, you may be one who insists upon scientific proof before anything can be believed. You can be the far-sighted thinker, one of high ideals and tolerance of other people's views or the dogmatic fanatic who just parrots what others have told you. Generally, there is a quest for truth and wisdom and a love of travel, not necessarily physical. You may have an aptitude for foreign languages and a love of foreign culture.
Moon in 5th house
Romances and attachments to children can be decidedly emotional. There is a constant search for pleasure and emotional self-expression. Activities concerning children are pronounced. Too much emphasis may be placed upon having a good time and being the center of attention. There are mood swings and fickleness in love affairs. A heightened desire to feel loved and important may need to be controlled. You are a pleasure-seeking person with a lot of charm. Fluctuating emotions may interfere with your creativity. Concerning vocation: The theatrical, exhibitionist, creative dimensions of the work needs are increased. Teaching and taking care of children are emphasized. Speculation and the dramatizing of all experiences are possible.
Mercury in 9th house
You are flexible, with an adaptable mind which has an interest in perhaps intellectual pursuits, law, religion or philosophy. You have many ideas and beliefs with the ability to express them well verbally. You probably enjoy travel and foreign culture and it is particularly educational for you. You have the ability to learn foreign languages or to be a translator. You may be a teacher or be involved in higher learning in some other way. Interest may exist in publishing or advertising.
Venus in 10th house
Your pleasant disposition and harmonious nature make you popular in your career and with the world at-large. People seem to want to do nice things for you, which can lead to laziness if you abuse this energy. You have a loving and friendly approach to the world with a general attitude of optimism. This placement can be favorable for public speaking and singing. Your voice may be used to please and inspire people. This position usually grants comfortable financial circumstances.
Mars in 9th house
Your mind is enthusiastic, but restless. You are independent in thought. Your religious zeal must be watched so that it doesn't turn into fanaticism. You have strong opinions and are happy to tell anyone who will listen what they are. You have a strong desire to travel, not necessarily physically, but mentally. You have a liberal, broad, and progressive philosophy about life and do not want anyone else imposing their beliefs on you. There is a possibility of strife with in-laws. You will fight for your convictions. You may need to watch a tendency towards believing you are always right.
Jupiter in 5th house
Many opportunities for romance, dating, and activities involving children or teaching will probably come your way. You are optimistic and enjoy passing on your knowledge to those around you. You have creative ability which can bring success and happiness. There is a strong desire to make significant contributions through your creative self-expression. Children, which may be plentiful, can be a source of pleasure or over-indulgence. Guard against rash gambling and speculation.
Saturn in 9th house
Your religious and philosophical beliefs are probably quite orthodox and traditional. You take these beliefs very seriously. Your concentration upon deep subjects is probably quite good. You may be intolerant and critical of others and their beliefs. You may question absolutes, God and religion in general. There may be difficulties connected with foreign travel or foreign cultures. Frustrations and delays can occur during long journeys. Take care not to deplete your energy to the point of exhaustion through over-concentration.
Uranus in 7th house
Your partnerships are unique or unusual, usually possessing a wonderful rapport or a total lack of understanding. You and/or your partner are generally unconventional and you do things for their shock appeal. Plenty of freedom is desired in the relationship and there may be a lack of desire for commitment. In fact, maybe you search out special situations in your relationships that ensure little commitment. Perhaps you are most attracted to those who are already in relationships or who are otherwise "unavailable". Because of the uniqueness that exists within your partnerships, it is likely that others will not understand them. You may not understand them yourself. You meet the most interesting and unconventional people in your life. Any need to control the other person in your relationships will probably lead to disaster. Partner and you will have to find your own comfort level regarding time and attention spent on the other. A lot of elbow room may be required. A relationship in which you feel you are free to grow is one that makes it possible for you to do so. Any limits or constraints placed on the relationship are likely to be met with a certain "hit the road" attitude. Sudden and unexpected turns are likely. Perhaps one person is required to be away from the other for long periods of time. This position may give many long distance, "casual" types of relationships. You probably seek a partner who provides the thrills and spills for you in your life. A partner who challenges you mentally and emotionally is desired. Your relationships may be lab experiments where you hope to learn who-knows-what. Someone who is inventive, individualistic, creative, original, out-going, eccentric or radical appeals to you. Your partner may possess considerable personal magnetism and occasionally a degree of genius, but eccentricities, erratic tendencies and even fanaticism may be present. Your approach to marriage may be highly idealistic or utopian and there may be an inclination to favor platonic unions. You want and need your partner to be your friend. Most of your relationships probably started as friendships. On the other hand, there may be a tendency to seek excitement in partnerships and a marked interest in romantic adventures may result in passing infatuations that can cause a rift with the marriage partner. The greatest threat to marriage may occur when one partner's capacity for self-development expands at a rate greatly in excess of the other's, so that one spouse may no longer be recognizable as the person they were when the marriage took place. For a successful partnership, you and your partner will need to develop the qualities of tolerance, cooperation, detachment and freedom.
Neptune in 7th house
There may be a tendency to idealize marriage or the marriage partner. Many sacrifices may be made for the spouse. The marriage partner can be spiritually minded, artistic or just plain confusing. Communication may be a problem due to your concepts and ideals not coinciding. There is the tendency to attract a partner whereby you or they play the role of martyr or savior. The feeling may be that your partner "needs" saving and that you're the only one who can "save" (change) them. Because of this your partner may be an alcoholic or a drug (ab)user. Your imagination and your idealization of your partner may be more real to you than what your partner is in reality. If this is so, then there will come the day when your blinders are removed and you will see their true nature. This then may lead to great disappointment and discouragement when you find out that they or you have been living a lie and that things are not as they have appeared. With this position you must make absolutely sure you are dealing with the hard, cold facts of your relationship and not the romantic notions dreamed up from storybook tales. You are likely to seek a marriage partner who can provide a source of inspiration and bring out your capacity for compassion and loving understanding. There can be a tendency to see a prospective partner through rose-colored glasses or to weave imaginative fantasies about new contacts or hoped-for encounters. Consequently there is a possibility that the partner may not be the type of person conjured up by your imagination. There is some tendency to form partnerships based on admiration or pity. If your natal Neptune is afflicted, such admiration may have resulted from your having been dazzled by glamorous externals, while an over-active sense of pity may be exploited by a prospective partner so that you marry out of sentiment or misplaced sympathy. Possibilities exist that the partner is very sensitive and may need to be treated with kid gloves. The partner may be artistic or musically inclined or have some connection with drama or the stage. The material side of life may not concern them. Your relationship may be quite spiritual and above the sordid things of this life, hence it may be more platonic than sexual. The other side of the coin is that you may become involved with unreliable, inconstant and somewhat shiftless types whose sympathies may be largely focused upon themselves, or they may be underprivileged in some way, or neurotic or invalids suffering from chronic ill health. An unconscious willingness on your part to indulge in self-deception regarding your partner is possible. This may keep you in a bad relationship because you refuse to see the truth or you falsely believe that only you can change things. In order to get the best results from the marriage relationship you must learn to overcome vague desires for an unattainable ideal, to control any tendency to get carried away by shallow romanticism and to be as clear-headed and practical as possible when assessing the virtues and attractions of prospective mates. Stay well-grounded.
Pluto in 5th house
You have unusual talents and hobbies. Great creativity and self-expression is possible. Your children may be unique and it may be difficult for you to understand them or for them to understand you. There may be too much emphasis on sex in romantic relationships and issues of power and control can surface therein. There is an inner drive to be creative and it would be best if this creativity were not channeled through sex. Find a creative hobby instead.

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Astrology does not say a certain event is going to happen, but that there is a (certain) possibility that an event might happen. The tremendous gravitational forces of planets affect the human's sensitive brain and forces it to respond in a particular pattern of behavior and actions. Every single action in our lives is the result of our thought-process, initialized by planets.