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A birth chart, also known as a natal chart, is a map of where all the major planets and astral bodies were located at the time you were born. All of the astral bodies were moving through different zodiac signs and houses at your time of birth, and their positions will have different effects on your personality and life. Enter birth information below for a personalized natal report.
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Birth Chart Interpretation - Novak Djokovic
Novak Djokovic
Date of Birth: 22nd of May 1987 11:25
Birthplace: Belgrade, Serbia
Latitude: 44o 48'
Longitude: 20o 27'
The interpretation of the displayed transits was done on the assumption that you entered the data on the time and place of birth correctly. For the entered date and time (05/22/1987 23:25) and birthplace (Belgrade, Serbia) Daylight Saving Time (DST) is on (Time Zone Europe/Belgrade | GMT 2.0)
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Birth Chart Interpretation
Planets in Signs
Your Sun sign: GEMINI
Sun in Gemini
Geminians are friendly, clever, talkative, versatile, curious, perceptive, intuitive, and logical. At times they can also be quite contradictory, restless, two-faced, critical, and impatient. Gemini people enjoy and need work that includes a great deal of variety. They love to do several things all at the same time, sometimes making them late for appointments. They abhor boredom. Geminians tend to flit from one experience to another, gathering in all types of information along the way, but seldom getting to the depth of any subject. They go broad and not deep. Persistence is not their strong suit. Gaining knowledge and disseminating it is their real talent. Hence, they make wonderful salespeople or teachers if they stick around long enough to get all the facts instead of only half the story. Even if they do not possess all the facts, since they are never at a loss for words, they will continue with their story as if they did have all the facts. It is important for a Geminian to seek intellectual satisfaction. Mental stagnation turns them off, so they read extensively and communicate widely in order to satisfy this longing for mental stimulation. This discontent can make them either very ambitious, or it can incline them to jump from one thing to another, searching for the greener grass which never appears. Geminians usually think quickly on their feet and have the ability to use the right words in any situation. They possess tremendous wit and a good sense of humor. Other people may have difficulty in keeping up with their rapid change of subjects. Because Geminians think so quickly, they often finish other people's sentences for them. This can be most frustrating for the person trying to express their own thoughts. There is a need to learn how to control the tongue and allow slower people to express their own opinions and ideas. Since Geminians have the capacity to see both sides of any issue, they may fluctuate back and forth between opposing viewpoints. They will usually tend to side with the opinion of whomever they happen to be with at the moment. Then they change as the circumstances change. Indecisiveness is a problem for Geminians. Geminians are usually emotionally detached. They use their minds rather than their hearts to find their way through things. Logic and reason are their guidelines. They are able to understand what makes other people behave as they do, but they have difficulty in projecting themselves into the emotional reactions of the person involved. Some of the negative traits that Geminians possess are lack of concentration and focus, undependability, fickleness, indecisiveness, superficiality, wishful thinking, and dreaminess. They can also be pretty good at nagging. Geminians need to work on getting their mind under control. Their nervous system is highly strung. If they don't learn to control their nerves, they are apt to become ill. The way out of this difficulty is to take the emphasis off themselves and lose it through service to others. Above all, the Geminian needs to learn to channel (control) his energy and his mind.
Moon in Aries
Adaptability and inconstancy in your efforts to initiate are present here. Frequent emotional upheavals due to a fiery temper are possible. Patience is not your strong suit and if things don't happen the way you want, and now, well, you can go off like a bolt of lightning. Your tendency is to be spontaneous, temperamental, impetuous, headstrong and you dislike restraint. You are very direct in thought, action, and speech and everyone knows how you feel. You pull no punches. You can be a very bossy individual if you do not try to control your moods. A desire to be in the limelight or in charge of things is present. You hate showing any personal weakness or that you need any support, comfort, or nurturing from others. Your enthusiasm for starting new projects is contagious and you are probably a better starter than a finisher. You are adventurous, courageous, and independent. You don't like complainers and are always ready to meet any challenge. A fair amount of physical activity is good for you so you can work off those moods you get into once in a while. You have a creative, flamboyant personality that likes to trail-blaze in unusual ventures. Perhaps your accomplishments cover inferiority feelings that lie beneath the surface.
Mercury in Gemini
You have an extremely adaptable, energetic, active, alert, curious, and versatile mind. You seek knowledge, either through reading or conversation, or through travel and talking with the new people you constantly meet. You have so much nervous energy that this can sometimes cause great stress which must find an appropriate release. Exercise is a good way to release this tension. You are clever, witty, and always have a joke or comeback ready for any situation. You love being involved in multiple things at once and this may be a problem — too may irons in the fire at the same time. You are quick to grasp new concepts and equally quick to lose interest in an idea or project once your curiosity has been satisfied. You like to taste a little bit of everything — concentration and disciplined study are not your strong points. You are handy with your hands and may be ambidextrous or mechanically inclined. Debate and argument appeal to you. There is a tendency to scratch the surface with the things that strike your interest without learning anything very deeply. This is the jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none position. There is danger, then, of superficiality. Control of thought, word, and action is necessary in order to be successful. Find your focus, stay with it and develop perseverance. Journalism, speaking, teaching, sales, advertising, or writing may appeal to you. Mentally restless, you may change jobs or locations frequently, or do work that involves movement, travel, and variety. You grasp concepts easily and may become impatient with those who don't learn as quickly.
Venus in Taurus
In love affairs you are generally loyal and steady, especially if your partner is demonstrative and affectionate. You are oriented towards the sensual side of life in everything you do and it may show through too much weight. You are tremendously responsive to beauty and physical appearances, and the physical attractiveness of your partner is very important to you. You enjoy indulging yourself and the ones you love and it is too easy for you to be extravagant and perhaps to put too much value in material things. Comfort is important to you and you hate getting your hands dirty. At times you can be lazy, hoping or expecting someone else to do the dirty work. Self-control needs to be developed and added to the qualifications you already possess — warmth, charm, sympathy, artistic. Guard against possessiveness, jealousy, and taking the easy way out in your relationships. You aim to please in practical and earthy ways.
Mars in Cancer
You avoid direct confrontations with others, preferring to side-step issues or attack them indirectly. Aggressive, competitive behavior makes you uncomfortable. Your ego drive is not very strong and you are not especially ambitious or eager to push your way to the top. Inner satisfaction is more important to you. You may feel inadequate in situations that call for strong, forceful action. But, when you feel your loved ones or your family or anyone you really care about is being threatened, then you will fight and defend with all the tenacity in the world. That brings out the very strong protective side in you. Impulse and instinct take over and you will battle until the end, if needed. Your goals and actions tend to center around your family and loved ones and they are very personal. Great sacrifices can be made for them, even though they may be in the wrong. Being sensitive to stress, you do not handle high-pressure, competitive situations very well. You can be very touchy, moody, irritable and difficult to be around when there are many demands or tensions at work. Your energy level is not constant and is very dependent on your emotional state at the time, especially as regards your emotional harmony or discord at home. You should avoid eating when emotionally upset as this plays havoc with your digestive system. You are hard-working, sympathetic, moody, defensive, tenacious, intuitive, instinctive, sensitive, and perhaps over-emotional. Control of your emotions is important to your health and well-being.
Jupiter in Aries
You are enthusiastic, assertive, energetic, and filled with many ideas on how to grow, start, promote, or expand the ideas which fill your head. You are opinionated and can be very persuasive in getting people to go along with your plans and ideas. You like dealing with the big picture and have leadership qualities. A need to learn patience and to think before you act is probable. Your tendency to promise more than you can deliver should be watched. Tolerance of others people's ideas and viewpoints should also be developed. You have the ability to sell things, ideas, material goods, philosophies. Over-optimism, conceit, self-centeredness, false pride, and fanaticism over some cause may be your biggest shortfalls with this position.
Saturn in Sagittarius
At its best this position gives a charitable and philanthropic turn to the mind with a desire to benefit and uplift mankind through discipline, system and self-help under just laws and true religious impulse. It brings trust, respect and honor in all undertakings. You are intuitive, philosophical, independent and persistent. Mental maturity comes later in life and promises success. You are generous with a wonderfully developed sense of responsibility. You have administrative and scientific abilities. Benefit can be gained from meditation and introspection. You may have poor circulation in the hips and legs. You need physical exercise and fresh air, especially in your sleeping quarters. On the negative side, you may be cynical, atheistic, selfishly ambitious, dogmatic, insincere and sarcastic. There is a need for everything to be proven before belief is possible.
Your rising sign or Ascendant

The sign that is on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth is called the Rising Sign or the Ascendant. The Ascendant marks the difference in temperament, disposition, physical appearance and personality of individuals. It is the lens through which everything else in the chart is focused or looked through, thus coloring the way we look at everything. People see us through our rising sign and we see the world through our rising sign.
Ascendant in your Natal Chart: CAPRICORN
Interpretation of Ascendant in your Natal Chart (CAPRICORN)
People with Capricorn rising tend to be sensitive, timid, business-like, ambitious, controlling, reserved, practical, down-to-earth, duty-conscious, responsible, critical, and cold. You may have had trouble communicating in early life. Perhaps you suffer from feelings of inadequacy. You overcome these feelings through sheer necessity, for you have determination in achieving your goals and purposes in life. You have great ambition and do not settle until you have reached the great heights that you have set for yourself. Money, position and power are important to you. The reserve that often appears as part of your makeup is sometimes taken as coldness. To you it seems that you are being responsible and simply doing your duty. You may have had trouble with your knees. Any trouble with the knees is the outer evidence of an inner inability to be flexible. Spiritual lesson to learn: Sociability (lighten up). Saturn rules Capricorn so Saturn will be important in your life.
Planets in the Houses
Sun in 4th house
You desire to build strong inner and outer foundations, but, at times, you may have the wish to retreat from society when life becomes difficult. The influence of either or both parents is strong for good or otherwise. There is pride in the home and that is where you want to shine and show your creativity. That is where you can be the real you. You want to be king of your castle, but just don't be too demanding at home. No one likes a dictator.
Moon in 2nd house
You want and perhaps need to possess both money and possessions for your emotional security. Your feelings and emotional well-being are connected with your material resources. Changes and fluctuations will occur in your financial situation. Perhaps you alternate between being thrifty and careless with your money. Concerning vocation: the emphasis here is on self-worth. You need a work structure that allows public view or access, or working with women or the public. Like a pretty piece of jewelry in a department store window, you should be within the public's view while working. This may not entail working with the public directly, however. You feel as if you need to be seen while working. Becoming one with your work allows you to identify personally and emotionally with some life purpose and to project this to the public at large. Because you so closely identify with your work, your ideas of how successful you are as a person are directly tied in with the success you feel at your work environment.
Mercury in 5th house
You have a need to prove your intelligence and to use that intelligence in creating things of a mental nature — mental children, as it were. You desire to pass on your knowledge to others and to learn from them as well. Teaching children or young adults may provide quite a lift for you. Games of strategy and skill challenge your intellect. You desire to communicate your thoughts in a clever, inspiring and dramatic manner. You may have acting, writing, or speaking ability. As a teacher, you enjoy stimulating the minds of others and encouraging your students to greater things. Romances probably need to involve someone with whom you can communicate intelligently and relate to mentally. For you, sexiness is in the brain.
Venus in 3rd house
You may be artistic and creative in speech and writing and you express yourself well in either. You have a love of travel, yet your immediate surroundings are probably quite harmonious and comfortable. Relations with neighbors and siblings are probably easy-going and pleasurable. Because you dislike inharmony, you avoid confrontations with people in your immediate environment, hating to rock the boat.
Mars in 6th house
You are industrious, efficient, tireless, dynamic and active in work. You may have a tendency towards irritation and impatience with co-workers and employees who lack these qualities. You are mechanically minded with good vitality and strong recuperative powers. You tend to run fevers, perhaps higher than normal, when ill. There is a danger of burns, scalds, and accidents sustained in the course of work or employment. Many of these may happen because of impulse, haste, and impatience.
Jupiter in 3rd house
You are philosophical, optimistic, conventional and considerate. You have strong intuition. This position expands and broadens your mind enabling you to comprehend easily. You are well liked by siblings, neighbors and relatives. There may be mental restlessness which can be helped through occupations that keep you moving. You must be careful not to scatter your energies. There is a tendency to be impractical or self-satisfied. Your mind tends to think in broad terms, not in details.
Saturn in 11th house
You have many acquaintances, but only a few close friends, probably older ones. The friendships you make endure for many years. You are attracted to groups which have a serious or necessary purpose. You feel a strong sense of duty and responsibility to the groups you become involved in. The tasks that you do for any groups may receive very little personal recognition and may require hard work. In order to attain your goals and objectives, you have to be patient and willing to work hard. If your lessons are learned, the later part of life will offer greater rewards. You may experience a sense of never fitting in with the people or groups around you because of some perceived uniqueness. In any case there may be issues regarding feeling different from others.
Uranus in 12th house
You tend to be highly intuitive and secretive, with humanitarian ideals. You may have feelings of loneliness. There may be nervous difficulties. There is interest in metaphysical subjects. You may have unique psychic experiences which you keep to yourself for fear of being ridiculed. You have a tremendous desire to feel free and a constant questioning of the meaning of life and of the imperfections you see around you. Unresolved difficulties in your subconscious mind need to be brought out and disposed of. You have a tendency to feel that something is going to "get" you, to sneak up on you, if you are not careful. It is as though you always have a sense of impending doom. You need to overcome this apprehension. Self-control must be developed.
Neptune in 12th house
You are reflective and intuitive. You have psychic ability which operates unconsciously. You may experience intense feelings of loneliness and of being held in bondage to a specific person. You feel a need to connect with a higher Power and to be part of the oneness of all life. There is interest in occult and mystical subjects. Serving those in some kind of confinement is a possibility. Serve or suffer may be a keynote in your life. Secret enemies may try to undermine you. Forgiveness, love and compassion need to be expressed and lived.
Pluto in 9th house
You are intuitive and may be clairvoyant. Travel in other dimensions is possible during sleep. There is an inherent interest in religion and philosophy. You want to know why and how. There can be the danger of such total belief in your own ideas that it borders on fanaticism, with total disregard for the thoughts and beliefs of others. Develop tolerance for other's beliefs. You search for Truth as a starving man looks for food. You want to know everything. Metaphysical experiences are possible and transformation can occur through dreams, long distance travel or philosophical insights and revelations. You can suffer mental strain from studying too intensely. You must control your desire to always be right no matter what.

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Astrology does not say a certain event is going to happen, but that there is a (certain) possibility that an event might happen. The tremendous gravitational forces of planets affect the human's sensitive brain and forces it to respond in a particular pattern of behavior and actions. Every single action in our lives is the result of our thought-process, initialized by planets.