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A birth chart, also known as a natal chart, is a map of where all the major planets and astral bodies were located at the time you were born. All of the astral bodies were moving through different zodiac signs and houses at your time of birth, and their positions will have different effects on your personality and life. Enter birth information below for a personalized natal report.
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Birth Chart Interpretation - Roger Federer
Roger Federer
Date of Birth: 8th of August 1981 08:40
Birthplace: Basel, Switzerland
Latitude: 47o 33'
Longitude: 07o 34'
The interpretation of the displayed transits was done on the assumption that you entered the data on the time and place of birth correctly. For the entered date and time (08/08/1981 08:40) and birthplace (Basel, Switzerland) Daylight Saving Time (DST) is on (Time Zone Europe/Zurich | GMT 2.0)
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Birth Chart Interpretation
Planets in Signs
Your Sun sign: LEO
Sun in Leo
Leos are dignified, courageous, affectionate, powerful, generous, playful, optimistic, ambitious, loyal, and cheerful. On the negative side, though, they can be quite demanding, intolerant, domineering, lazy, closed-minded, and self-centered. They choose to do things that give them wide scope for creativity, organizing, and leadership. Although appearing strong on the outside, most Leos are inwardly sensitive and their feelings are easily hurt. When this occurs, they can turn on the object of their affection, when their pride is hurt. Leos have a decided flair for the dramatic and they enjoy telling stories, being the center of attention, having a good time, and running the show. Mean and cruel acts are generally beneath them, but they do not hesitate to use force when needed. No matter what their actions, they always have the belief that whatever they do is for the other person's benefit. If a Leo is angered, he immediately goes into his kingly role, "mounting his throne" and quickly putting the opposition or challenger in their proper place. Leos literally roar at people when they are angry. But once their tirade is over, they forgive and forget and never hold a grudge. At their best, Leos are affectionate, cheerful, optimistic people who can be counted on to bring sunshine into other people's lives. They are exceptionally generous. Money appears to slip through their fingers as if it were grains of sand. And, like the sand, they have no idea where it has gone. Leos usually have vitality and good health, with strong recuperative powers. When they are ill, they have a tendency to run high fevers. They are seldom depressed, but when they are, they are devastated. Fortunately, their resilient powers are excellent, so they are soon sunny and happy again, unless their heart has been broken. That is the one thing a Leo has difficulty in overcoming. This can actually lead to physical troubles with their own heart. Leos need to admire their marriage partner. If they don't, the marriage may not last very long. In the end, Leos need to feel appreciated.
Moon in Scorpio
You are secretive and inclined to brood in silence over the wrongs that people have done, either in reality or simply in your own mind. The mental and emotional focus may be on sensual things or on sex or death. You find it difficult to trust people as you are suspicious of their inner thoughts and plans. You open yourself up to very few as you do not find it easy to trust others. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable and to relinquish control in relationships is not easy for you. You love with passion and you hate with passion. Everything is done emotionally, with intensity. You can be very jealous and possessive in your relationships. Perhaps your mother was very controlling. You have a habit of holding on to wrongs that have been done in the past and not forgiving nor forgetting, and to keep such feelings to yourself. Guilt, resentment and vindictiveness need to be overcome. You must learn to let go or your health will suffer. Learn to express your feelings outwardly rather than repressing them within. You are not content with superficial appearances and are always probing beneath the surface of things for hidden motives. You have a great deal of emotional depth. The potential for success is great when control and discipline are learned. You are magnetic, energetic, independent, aggressive, patient, and determined. Self-control of the passions is mandatory.
Mercury in Leo
You have strong, fixed opinions and love to express your thoughts energetically and dramatically. You wholeheartedly identify with your beliefs. You can be a warm, convincing, entertaining speaker and an effective story teller. Exaggeration plays a key role in all your tales and expressions. You put on a good show no matter who the audience is. You have a distinctive style of expressing yourself. Teaching ability is present. You have many creative ideas and want to have a voice in decision-making. You take great pride in your mind and thought processes and others may think of you as a bit of a know-it-all. You need to watch a tendency towards false pride, intolerance, stubbornness, needing appreciation for everything you do or say, and becoming overly impressed with your own abilities. You could be a good politician, spokesperson, group leader, director, or coach. You need to be admired for your mind.
Venus in Virgo
You are quietly devoted and faithful to your loved ones, and often become a kind of servant to your love partner. You are more comfortable showing love for someone by doing something for them, making something for them, or simply being there for them rather than telling them so in a romantic sort of way. You are somewhat timid about expressing too much sentiment or emotion. You may lack confidence in your own attractiveness and ability to draw love to yourself. This could create doubt of your own worthiness to receive love and appreciation. There is a strong tendency to be very critical of the partner and too expect perfection. Marriage may be delayed due to the desire to find that perfect partner, which does not exist. You desire everything to be clean and orderly around you. A tendency to criticize and nag can be overcome be learning how to serve others in a simple way. You are able to be kind, tender, and sympathetic, thus you may excel at nursing.
Mars in Cancer
You avoid direct confrontations with others, preferring to side-step issues or attack them indirectly. Aggressive, competitive behavior makes you uncomfortable. Your ego drive is not very strong and you are not especially ambitious or eager to push your way to the top. Inner satisfaction is more important to you. You may feel inadequate in situations that call for strong, forceful action. But, when you feel your loved ones or your family or anyone you really care about is being threatened, then you will fight and defend with all the tenacity in the world. That brings out the very strong protective side in you. Impulse and instinct take over and you will battle until the end, if needed. Your goals and actions tend to center around your family and loved ones and they are very personal. Great sacrifices can be made for them, even though they may be in the wrong. Being sensitive to stress, you do not handle high-pressure, competitive situations very well. You can be very touchy, moody, irritable and difficult to be around when there are many demands or tensions at work. Your energy level is not constant and is very dependent on your emotional state at the time, especially as regards your emotional harmony or discord at home. You should avoid eating when emotionally upset as this plays havoc with your digestive system. You are hard-working, sympathetic, moody, defensive, tenacious, intuitive, instinctive, sensitive, and perhaps over-emotional. Control of your emotions is important to your health and well-being.
Jupiter in Libra
You are philosophical, sympathetic and friendly. You expand your horizons and grow through using your ability to be outgoing with and well-liked by others. You have the ability to encourage others towards greater efforts. There is a love for beautiful things and perhaps an interest in art or law. On the negative side, there is danger of self-indulgence or extravagance, and a desire to improve social status through marriage rather than establishing a partnership based on true love. There may be more concern to demonstrate to the world that the marriage has been successful rather than happy. Much expense may be incurred through partnership, perhaps on account of the marriage partner's extravagant tastes.
Saturn in Libra
You are diplomatic, tactful, and you have balanced judgment which inspires trust. In matters if health there may be urinary problems or trouble with the kidneys. Saturn tends to obstruct the filtering action of the kidneys, allowing toxic elements to stay in the blood stream and intoxicate the body. Drinking distilled rather than spring, mineral or tap water would be better for your kidneys. There is a need for you to cooperate and share in harmony, patience, and love with other people. Marriage or partnerships may be restricting, requiring hard work and discipline so that you may learn the lessons of cooperation rather than competition. Marriage and partnerships give you a sense of security and for that reason you seek them out. You may marry for practical reasons, for money, or to someone a lot older or younger. Various possibilities exist with this position. You may take great trouble to find a mate who is able to demonstrate a similar integrity, and thus marry at a later age than most, or you may choose an older partner or a contemporary who is apt to be austere or undemonstrative. A desire for perfection may make you too demanding in the marriage or your view of marriage may be too conventional or old-fashioned. If Saturn is badly aspected, then you may be cold or regard marriage as a yoke with which you do not care to burden yourself. Or lastly, you may tell yourself that you will never find a partner who will measure up to your requirements.
Your rising sign or Ascendant

The sign that is on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth is called the Rising Sign or the Ascendant. The Ascendant marks the difference in temperament, disposition, physical appearance and personality of individuals. It is the lens through which everything else in the chart is focused or looked through, thus coloring the way we look at everything. People see us through our rising sign and we see the world through our rising sign.
Ascendant in your Natal Chart: VIRGO
Interpretation of Ascendant in your Natal Chart (VIRGO)
People with Virgo rising tend to be practical, analytical, discriminating, fastidious, careful, exacting, attentive to details, methodical, quiet, unassuming, shy, critical, thoughtful, and somewhat self-centered. You have an ingenious, active and alert mind. Gaining knowledge and putting it to good use are important to you. You strive for perfection and can be quite the person to live with or to be around because your standards for yourself and others are so high. At times others can never be "good" enough to meet those high standards. Finding fault with what's wrong with things is your forte. Sometimes, though, this can make relationships sour as you often turn your critical eye on the one you love and the things they do. Pessimism and being too self-critical are two faults you should try to improve upon. You may tend to worry too much, especially about the small stuff, the little details. Too much worry can lead to health problems. You need to learn to digest every experience and assimilate it without bitterness, regret, spite or resentment. You need to get rid of any negativity that stems from a feeling of inadequacy. You tend to look younger than you really are, no matter what your age. You are very restless and nervous, so you seldom have much weight on you. At times you can be very indecisive and unsure. Spiritual lesson to learn: Service. Mercury rules Virgo so Mercury will be important in your chart.
Planets in the Houses
Sun in 12th house
There is the desire or the need to serve others in this lifetime. At times this is in direct conflict with a desire to seek seclusion from the world and/or wallow in self-pity seeking sympathy and service from others. This life may be a contemplative life due to the need to reshape negative character traits from past lives. You have an awareness of the oneness of life. You may lack confidence in your abilities. You have an empathy with sick or mentally disturbed people. You may develop or have clairvoyant powers and an interest in occult subjects and psychic phenomena. You may enjoy playing the martyr.
Moon in 3rd house
You possess intellectual curiosity and may well express your true feelings through speech, poetry or writing. Intellectualizing your feelings is probable. There is a strong need for communication and for gathering information, which is later shared with people in general or women in particular. You have a fine sense of humor and like to joke and play around. Travel appeals to you because it affords new opportunities for learning. Routine of any kind probably bores you and you are constantly looking for variety. Your ideas change at a moment's notice and you are forever flexible and adaptable to any situation. Learning is perhaps better accomplished through listening rather than reading. Your mind can be quite emotional at times. Concerning vocation: the emphasis is on communication and information exchange. Your personality gathers, shares and reacts to information. This position represents the intermediary, the go-between, and the dissemination functions.
Mercury in 11th house
You have an original, comprehensive, adaptable and intellectual mind. Your goals are obtained through the use of your mind. You choose friends who stimulate your mind, perhaps younger friends. You find it stimulating to converse with those friends who share opposing views. You could be the spokesman or secretary for your favorite group or organization.
Venus in 1st house
You are friendly and charming with a magnetic personality. You are the honey in life that draws the bees. You always seem to know what to say with regard to what people want to hear. Whether it is the truth or not is the problem. You have an uncanny ability to attract everything you need in life. People and things just come to you. But, you must guard against using people to get what you want. You enjoy and have an appreciation of beautiful and luxurious things. You can also be quite selfish and self-centered. Acting like the spoiled brat is also a danger.
Mars in 11th house
You have strong desires and wishes, social leadership ability and many casual associations with energetic and enterprising friends. You probably put a lot of energy into your friendships. It is important that you seek the right type of friendships. You can be taken advantage of by friends or you can take advantage of them. Active participation in group activities suits you well. Leadership within the group also appeals to you.
Jupiter in 2nd house
You have the ability to be financially successful. Money seems to come to you and you have probably never missed a meal in your life. You have confidence and optimism in your talents and abilities. Your visionary ideas and investments usually prosper due to your intuitive appraisal of situations. You enjoy material possessions and may be termed "lucky". You inspire trust in others and may benefit from receiving financial assistance from others in order to develop your visionary and idealistic ideas. You must guard against self-indulgence and over-extravagance. Curb your desire for rich, sweet food and desserts.
Saturn in 2nd house
You tend to be thrifty, practical and responsible, especially with money and possessions. This placement does not deny money, but you must work hard for it. Sometimes you are so busy squirreling away money that you forget to enjoy it. Having money set aside for a rainy day is fine, but you probably don't need as much as you tend to want to have set aside. Poverty is possible with this placement due to a lack of understanding of the true value of money and possessions. There is a tendency to become depressed over material matters. Your possessions are apt to bring worries rather than happiness because you may need to learn to share with others. There may have been too much emphasis on materialism in past lives. You may need to re-evaluate your values. Attitudes of possessiveness toward others must be changed. Feelings of being unloved, unwanted, and unappreciated occur with this position. You must value yourself before others can value you. Love yourself first.
Uranus in 3rd house
Your mind is independent, original, creative, unconventional, curious, perhaps somewhat eccentric, and unusual. People around you sometimes cannot understand how you think or why you express yourself in the ways you do. You may be ahead of your time. Mental restlessness causes you to always be on the search for new information and knowledge. You have unique ways of passing this new information along to others. Frequent changes of mind are likely as new data filters through you. Relationships with siblings and neighbors are likely to be unusual and perhaps somewhat high-strung and tense at times. Boredom is seldom a problem. The desire for fresh experience may cause you to travel extensively. Intellectual freedom is important to you.
Neptune in 4th house
You may experience a sense of inner uncertainty, insecurity and confusion. Unexplainable fears and anxieties may cause you to withdraw from living. You idealize the home environment and it may be, in reality, more in your imagination rather than in fact. A spiritual tie with one or both parents is likely. A desire to live by the sea is not uncommon with this position. You may have vague recollections regarding your true roots and this uncertainty may cause difficulties. Remember, with Neptune, things are not as they appear and you need to face reality in your home environment and with respect to your parents rather than what may be in your imagination and sub-conscious.
Pluto in 2nd house
You have financial ability with keen judgment, patience, energy, and will. You may possess unusual talents. This placement may give an inordinate desire for money and possessions. Watch the tendency to view loved ones as possessions. You may see money coming and going in order to de-emphasize its importance. Detachment may be necessary. You must learn to spontaneously share all possessions with others. Integrity in money matters is essential. Others may seek to control your resources and possessions or you may be quite demanding and controlling with your own resources, monetary and otherwise.

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Astrology does not say a certain event is going to happen, but that there is a (certain) possibility that an event might happen. The tremendous gravitational forces of planets affect the human's sensitive brain and forces it to respond in a particular pattern of behavior and actions. Every single action in our lives is the result of our thought-process, initialized by planets.